Aug 29, 2018 | Questions & Answers

Gabe Moore
Gabe Moore is a senior studying biomedical engineering, and also a highly successful student athlete. Below, he discusses what drew him to biomedical engineering, how he balances schoolwork and athletics, the ways in which biomedical engineering and track and field complement one another, and more.
UArk BME: Did you always know you wanted to study biomedical engineering?
Moore: I have always loved learning about the human body and solving problems. I didn’t know I wanted to study biomedical engineering in particular, but when I found out it was a relatively new major at the University of Arkansas, I wanted to enroll right away.
UArk BME: What drew you to the University of Arkansas?
Moore: I began talking to the track coaches in high school and visited campus a few times for track meets. I love the location and atmosphere of the University, along with the track team’s great tradition and success. Track was important, but academics were the main focus, so I made sure the University had the major I wanted to study. Luckily they did, so it made attending the University an easy decision!
Aug 26, 2018 | Internships

Tasha Repella snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef with a large wrasse fish
Tasha Repella is a biomedical engineering student at the University of Arkansas. In early 2018, she spent five months studying abroad in Sydney, Australia. Below, she reflects on her experiences and discusses what she’s learned:
A year ago, if someone had told me I would be sitting in Sydney, Australia, writing about the last five months I spent in one of the most beautiful countries, I wouldn’t dare believe them. Looking back at this semester, I am so humbled by such an incredible opportunity I was given and the valuable lessons that helped shape me.
Because Australia is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons there are opposite from the U.S., so their school year doesn’t begin until March, which is late summer for them. So at the end of February, I took a leap of faith, and I boarded a plane headed for Sydney. I was thrilled, but the nerves also stuck with me. While I have grown up with a deep love for travel, I knew that leaving the comfort of my Fayetteville community of three years would be tough, but it was the best thing I have ever done.
Aug 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
We are excited to welcome Dr. Christopher Nelson to the University of Arkansas Department of Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Nelson will join the department as an assistant professor in June 2019.
Dr. Nelson completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Engineering at the University of Arkansas, and his PhD from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Nelson is currently pursuing research at Duke University supported by The Hartwell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship and the prestigious NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00).
Dr. Nelson’s primary research interests are in developing new technologies for therapeutic genome engineering. Previously, he has developed biomaterial-based platforms for drug and gene delivery including a nanoparticle for systemic siRNA administration (ACS Nano 2013) and a multifunctional scaffold for local gene silencing for regenerative medicine (Advanced Materials 2014). More recently, he has applied a genome engineering approach to treat the genetic basis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in vivo (Science 2016). Dr. Nelson now plans to apply gene and drug delivery to genome engineering to create precision molecular therapies, study regenerative medicine, and interrogate gene function and regulation.
Welcome, Dr. Nelson!