From Lab to Conference to Classroom, and back: 10 Questions for Grad Student Joshua Hutcheson

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Hutcheson at work in the lab.

Joshua Hutcheson is a graduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas. He is part of the research team at the University’s Translational Biophotonics & Imaging Lab, and a member of the UArk Biomedical Engineering Society.

UArk BME: Have you always wanted to be an Engineer? What attracts you to Biomedical Engineering specifically?

Hutcheson: Growing up I actually wanted to be a doctor. I went into the program pre-med with engineering as a fallback, and it has proven to be a good one! I chose engineering graduate school for a lot of reasons but one in particular is that I think Biomedical Engineers are going to have a major role in primary care in the coming decade due to the modernization of medicine.
