Conference Diaries: Curran Henson

Henson Conference (12.7.15)

Henson and Dr. Radwan Al-Faouri stand before a poster depicting the graphene research they presented at the conference.

On December 2, 2015, University of Arkansas biomedical engineering student Curran Henson attended the Winthrop Rockefeller Nanotechnology for Healthcare Conference. While there, he helped Dr. Radwan Al-Faouri (shown above) present graphene research. Below, Henson offers his reflections on the conference:

The Winthrop Rockefeller Nanotechnology Conference was a huge success in my eyes. It was a very engaging experience in which I got to learn about some of the fascinating advances related to the field of nanotechnology in healthcare. The potential that nanotechnology has to change the methods by which healthcare occurs, mainly in the area of cancer treatment and oncological practices, is truly amazing to me.


From Lab to Conference to Classroom, and back: 10 Questions for Grad Student Joshua Hutcheson

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Hutcheson at work in the lab.

Joshua Hutcheson is a graduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas. He is part of the research team at the University’s Translational Biophotonics & Imaging Lab, and a member of the UArk Biomedical Engineering Society.

UArk BME: Have you always wanted to be an Engineer? What attracts you to Biomedical Engineering specifically?

Hutcheson: Growing up I actually wanted to be a doctor. I went into the program pre-med with engineering as a fallback, and it has proven to be a good one! I chose engineering graduate school for a lot of reasons but one in particular is that I think Biomedical Engineers are going to have a major role in primary care in the coming decade due to the modernization of medicine.
